Anna Ribanská

Contact the actors
  • SR
  • Dance
  • Presenting
  • Singer
  • Puppetry
  • Radio and audio work
  • Acting
Acting skills
  • recitation
  • driving licence
  • piano
  • ski
  • ballroom dancing
  • audiobook reading
  • Czech
  • Slovak
  • English
  • German
  • French
Completed acting education
  • Zlínská soukromá škola umění

After the study of acting and singing she worked in the theatres and film as an actress. Nowadays she is based in Prague. Her scenic range is very colorful: classical theatre forms (eg. Twelfth Night), contemporary theatre (eg. Panic, d. Ján Šimko), cont. dance theatre (theatre Ponec), stage reading (eg. Concertus Moraevia with Berliner Ensemble), multimedia project (eg. Forbidden, Lunchmeat 2019). Her strong point stands in physical variety, musicality and voice work. For the czech National radio she created podcast serie, she records voice overs on regular basis. She has experiences with shooting movies, tv series and commercials. Her last tv acting experiences are: Anatomie života (r. P. Magát 2021) and Zákony vlka (r. M. Najbrt 2023), Neznaboh (S. Lambert 2023). She studies with A. Davenport Chubbuck acting technique. Beside her art activities she also teaches yoga.
