ACTORSMAP is a professional acting database used by directors, casting directors and casting agencies in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and abroad.
ACTORSMAP presents CZECH and SLOVAK actors, actresses, acting school students and acting agents in one place. You can easily search for actors according to the specified criteria (age, language skills, special skills, etc.).
FOR ACTORS every actor can create their own profile on this website, with which they want to present themselves to film professionals and casting directors. You simply create a profile with the necessary information, contact, photos, showreel, introduction video or website link.
FOR AGENTS Every acting agent has the opportunity to effectively present the actors they represent on this website. They can simply create profiles for actors with the necessary information, photos, contact, showreel, introduction video or a link to their website.
CREATORS SUPPORT directors, casting directors, casting, producers, productions, artistic projects and above all ACTORS
MISSION Easily find and contact actors. Easy registration and presentation. Easy invitation to casting and contacting actors on set. Easily send project information to actors and casting text. Easy and quick verification of actors commitments.
CURRENT ACTOR PROFILE anyone can easily update their profile through their own login details.
Thanks to the English version of the website, Czech and Slovak actors and actresses can also be introduced to FOREIGN productions and producers.
ACTORSMAP was founded by five acting agencies that want to help actors based on their long-term experience in film industry.
ACTORSMAP це професійна акторська база даних, де окрім чеських та словацьких акторів, студентів акторських шкіл та огляду (списку) акторських агентів, тепер ви також знайдете базу даних українських артистів, які працюють у Чехії. Оператори дозволяють українським акторам безкоштовно презентувати себе на платформі протягом одного року. Сподіваємося, що ця можливість принесе їм співпрацю не лише з чеськими творцями. Якщо у вас виникнуть запитання, звертайтеся до нашого україномовного колеги:
We are constantly developing and improving the project based on experience and your references and observations, which we value.
ACTORSMAP media cooperates with the agency