Divadlo X10, Venuše ve Švehlovce (Lachende Bestien, Chemické divadlo), Vila Štvanice (Tygr v tísni), Divadlo Lampion Kladno, Městské divadlo Kladno, Studio Hrdinů, Divadlo Disk, Storytelling.cz
Marie studied alternative and puppet acting at DAMU under the guidance of doc. Miroslav Krobot. She graduated with the role of Hamlet and since then she has been working mainly in independent theatre. In 2014-2019 she was engaged at the Lampion Theatre in Kladno. She created the audio documentary Skloňuju role, directed the music video of the band Ploy Ptáci (se ztrácejí). She has acted in commercials, series, student films and feature films.