Divadlo Andreja Bagara v Nitre (Na skle maľované)
Divadlo Petra Mankoveckého (Deň opričníka)
Divadlo bez masky (Takmer pyšná princezná)
Štúdio 12 (Hamlet – Age of hope)
Objektorárium (Zošit)
Slovenské národné divadlo (Ako sa Lomidrevo stal kráľom)
Divadlo Jozefa Gregora Tajovského (Tichá noc, tmavá noc)
Samuel Teicher was born on September 24, 1998 in Ilava, Slovakia. He grew up in an artistic environment from an early age. In addition to recitation and singing, he was also actively involved in acting and was part of the volunteer group Masky z Ilava, where he regularly performed in all productions. He graduated from the gymnasium in Dubnica nad Váhom and studied acting at the Academy of Arts in Bratislava. You can currently see him at the Andrej Bagar Theater in Nitra, the DPM Theater, the Bez masky Theater, the Studio 12 Theater and in the performance o.z. Objectorarium. He was part of the first series of the series Mr. Professor, he played in the series Hospital and also Specialists. His first film, Ťapákovci, directed by Rasťo Boroš, is currently in post-production, where he played one of the main characters.